e3 USA

Our mission among the United States is simple: #NoPlaceLeft. Our desire is to see the good news of Jesus proclaimed to every person in the United States until there is literally no place left. We are striving toward this vision by equipping believers and churches to: 1) evangelize those who are far from God with the good news of Jesus; 2) establish new churches among those who believe the good news; 3) disciple new believers to become healthy, reproducing, transformative churches in their community. Now when we say “church” we don’t mean the box with a steeple. We simply mean a gathering of baptized believers devoted to obeying Jesus and living on mission together. We believe a church can meet here, there, or anywhere. Moreover, we believe it must. Over 50% of Americans are unchurched. And 53% percent of the unchurched population will not come to a church building if invited. Who is going to own this harvest field of nearly 156 million people far from God? It’s time believers are equipped and mobilized to bring Jesus and His church to all those far from God in the United States.

Jack Roberts Sr e3 Partners' Fundraiser

United States

Organized by Jack Roberts

BIG NEWS! I will be serving with a full time mission! I'm so excited about helping others, and I would like to invite you to share in this excitement with me!

I started a fundraiser on Pure Charity to raise the funding that I need for the mission. It's been my dream to go and serve and I hope that you will consider being part of this opportunity with me.

Every donation is important and will enable me to be present and help others in need. Would you kindly consider making a donation? Also, I would appreciate your willingness to share this with others who may want to participate.

Thank you so much for being a part of my life and helping me accomplish something that's important to all of us!

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Days to Go