With roughly 4% of the world’s trade passing through Panama every year, the country is blessed with one of the most advanced infrastructures in Latin America. In terms of wildlife, it is also the most diverse country in the region.

In recent years, the people have become increasingly interested in spiritual matters and more responsive to the Gospel as a result. Since 1970, evangelicals have grown from just 5% of the population to 20% in 2010.  Still, much work remains to be done.

e3 Partners is working to ensure that a thriving local church exists in every community throughout Panama. We are equipping existing believers and training local pastors to identify unreached communities and share the Gospel effectively. As people come to faith in Christ, we are establishing small groups that help them take the next steps in their spiritual growth and serve as the seeds for new churches. – See more at:

Marsha Crenshaw's Fundraiser

Organized by Marsha Crenshaw


Jay Riley Crenshaw and I began this ministry 10 years ago this September.  Wow! And while my sweet Jay is now with Jesus, completely healed and where he longed to be, this Muslim Outreach Ministry has begun to explode.

Jay's Original Vision

Jay's vision that God gave him in the beginning was that this Ministry would be like that of a Hot Air Balloon.  God revealed to Jay in this vision that it would start off slowly, just as a Hot Air Balloon does, but then when it hits the jet stream, it would take off full speed ahead.  This is exactly what this Ministry is currently doing....going full speed ahead!

You Are All Vital to This Ministry

We have now seen hundreds, if not thousands come to Christ, and we could not have done this without our faithful supporters, both our prayer warriors and our financial partners.  And I want to personally thank you SO MUCH for your support these last 10 years.

The Next 10 Years!

Our youngest son, Joe Riley Crenshaw has joined e3/Fearless love! What a blessing that is to me, and I know his dad is looking down with joy!  

We/I need financial supporters more than ever before with what God is doing.  I need to be able to go full speed ahead as well.  I am in awe at what the Lord is doing and want to be able to share it with more people who can catch the vision and have ownership of this Ministry as well. 

This fundraiser provides for my salary, benefits and some expenses.  While all of Jay and my current supporters will remain my supporters, I am still only about 50% fully funded.  

By donating, you are joining me in sharing the love of Jesus in Dallas, the Middle East, Central Asia and Canada (can't wait to share about this), training up leaders, and planting churches in these people groups communities.

 Won't you prayerfully consider partnering with me through your financial support to honor my sweet Jay and to glorify God? Many can't "go" but they can give and be a part of a powerful Ministry team!

To make disciples and establish Christ's church among Muslims - we need God and we need you.

"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." (Matt 28:19-20


I am so eternally grateful for each of you!

Until the whole world hears! (click)

 Marsha Crenshaw

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Days to Go