The Middle East is volatile, strategic, horrifying, and confusing. And that’s just the beginning. We all read the headlines, hear the news and wonder, “can anything good come from the Middle East?” 

You won’t see this on Fox or CNN:

An unprecedented revolution is happening right now throughout the Middle East. More Muslims have become followers of Jesus in the last 10 years than in the past 14 centuries of Islam. More Jews have become followers of Jesus, the Jewish Messiah, in the last 20 years than in the past 2,000 years.

More than any time in history, the need to engage in what God is doing is now. Through passionate prayer, generous giving and strategic expeditions into this dark region, you can be a part of reaching the unreachable. Jesus is setting the captives free! 

Bill Payton Europe Support Team

Organized by William Payton

 I have been called to be part of God expanding His kingdom through all the peoples of Europe to the world..with a population of over 744 million including 66 million+ immigrants who have come to Europe because they are seeking greater economic opportunity, safety for their families, and from other crises like the Syrian crisis...EUROPE IS STRATEGIC..and through a movement of prayer and practical ministry the Gospel will be advanced for His glory!

Europe is unreached...Europe knows religion, but less than 2% claim to know Jesus personally

Europe has influence...Past,present, and future, Europe influences the world's economics, education, politics, philosophies and culture

Europe is connected...Through immigration, hundreds of distinct cultures live and exist in Europe, many representing unreached people groups

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